The following types of
tree are currently supported:
Type 0 :
Random branch structure spreading from a small trunk
Type 1 :
Symmetrical branch structure spreading from a small trunk
Type 2 : Tall
straight trunk with random branch structure
Type 3 : Tall
straight trunk with symmetrical branch structure
Type 4 : Tall
bending trunk with random branch structure
Type 5 : Tall
bending trunk with symmetrical branch structure
Type 6 : Tall
with branches tapering to the top
Type 7 : Tall
with branches tapering to the bottom
Type 8 : Tall
with small branches spreading into a random crown
Type 9 : Tall
with small branches spreading into a symmetrical crown.

click to enlarge
The texture map (
tree.bmp) used to describe the bark and leaves of the tree can be found
in the textures directory. The polygon files used to describe the leaves
can be found in the objects directory and the thumbnail image on the
left indicates which texture corresponds to each of these files.
There are three
versions of each file that correspond to high, medium and low resolution
models of the tree.