The options at the top of the screen are described in the following table:



Noise Generate Noise texture according to the current settings
Perlin Select Perlin Noise - Produces cloud like textures
Voronoi Select Voronoi Noise - Produces cell like textures
Bands Select Bands - Produces textures geared towards Gas Giants
Terrain Select Terrain Noise - Similar to Perlin Noise but geared towards solid planets
Smooth Smoothes the texture - currently deactivated
Sphere Map the texture to a sphere - will typically take far longer to create
Fade Fade the texture at the poles of a sphere. This allows the texture to be grafted to the top and bottom of the sphere such that the joins are less apparent.
Tileable Allows a texture that is not sphere mapped to be made 'tile-able'.
Clamp Standard Clamping. Clamps negative results to 0 and positive results to 1. Tends to produce textures that occupy the lower portion of the palette.
Abs Clamp Absolute Clamping. Converts negative results to positive ones which are clamped at 1. Tends to produce noisy textures which occupy the full palette range.
Norm Clamp Normalised Clamping. Tends to produce textures which occupy the mid portion of the palette
Random Seed Seed for random number generator

The options at the bottom left of the window allow the palette to be configured. The results from the noise function are used as an index into this palette in order to retrieve the required colour.



Red Red component
Green Green Component
Blue Blue Component
Position Position in Palette
LIST List of distinct colours in the palette described in terms of their position
Add Add a new colour to the Palette
Delete Delete selected colour from palette
Move Move selected colour to new position

Perlin Noise options are described in the following table



Frequency Frequency of the Noise. High frequencies produce more disruptive textures
Amplitude Initial amplitude of the Noise. Higher values will produce textures which occupy the higher parts of the palette.
Octaves Number of iterations. With each iteration more detail is added. Low values tend to produce blurred textures.
Persistence Increase in amplitude for each iteration.
Line Interpolation Tends to produce 'spiky' textures.
Cosine Interpolation Tends to produce 'smooth' textures
No Lines Values greater than 1 will cause the noise to be generated as horizontal lines
Thin Lines Causes the 'Lines' to be 'thinned'
Inner Lines Causes the outer lines to be culled.

Voronoi Noise options are described in the following table



Frequency Frequency of the Noise. High frequencies produce more disruptive textures
Amplitude Amplitude of the Noise. Higher values will produce textures which occupy the higher parts of the palette.
Manhattan Produces cellular noise which takes the form of diamond shapes.
Chebyshev Produces cellular noise which has a scale like structure
Dual Distance Produces more complex textures.

Bands options are described in the following table



Jitter Amount of high frequency jitter to be applied to bands.
Streak Blending Degree of blending of diagonal streaks through texture - a value of Zero disables streaks.
Streak Length Length of diagonal streaks through texture - a value of Zero disables streaks.
Streak Power Gradient of diagonal streaks through texture.
Spot Size Size of 'Spots' in texture - a value of Zero disables spots.
Spot Red Red Component of Spot
Spot Green Green Component of Spot
Spot Blue Blue Component of Spot
Reflect Palette Reflects the Palette between the top and bottom halves of the texture.

Terrain options are basically identical to those of Perlin Noise but contain a separate area on the right-hand side that indicates at which point various types of terrain should start. The position of each form of terrain is also indicated in the palette area.

The bottom right-hand corner of the window allows a number of effects to be applied to the texture



Vortex Size Size of Vortices in pixels
Large Vortex Causes large swirling vortices to be applied to the texture.
Small Vortex Causes small swirling vortices to be applied to the texture.
Ripple Width Configures the width of a ripple to be applied by the texture. In order for the effect to be tile-able the width should be able to divide into 512.
Ripple Height Configures the height of a ripple to be applied by the texture. In order for the effect to be tile-able the height should be able to divide into 512.